Monday, August 4, 2008

Riddle - Me - Riddle

Ging's Poser of the Week: " If a Cat has Nine lives, does it also have a Different Personality in each life?" Obviously, Ging has been spending way too much time listening to discourses on the Karmic Law and thinks theological discussions make for great Alpha-Beta bonding sessions. But a caffeine buzzed and brain dead mommie is in no shape to supply answers.
An opinion, anyone???


  1. In the seventh i was that cat.
    Now it is eighth and it is me
    guess who will be the next?

    Best wishes..

  2. he he he MIP...
    Moggie Mom is still too brain dead to respond....Ging may have had a more appropriate response, but trust the Beta to vanish at the opportune moment...
    Thanx for visiting us!!!
