Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Treasures & Trophies

This morning, the calm in the Moggie household was shattered by our domestic help who, in a moment of sheer negligence, brought down a glass stand and destroyed most of the trinkets on it.

The din jolted both, Gingerbread and me, who were, until then, sleepily ambling around in circles.
Ging wasn't too concerned about the broken trinkets. But, the sight of my precious treasures, reduced to a pile of shards, was a little too much for me to handle so early in the morning.
In my defense, it was even before I had my first caffeine fix of the day.

As I vented at the maid, in my broken, pidgin Tamil, Ging sat by patiently, waiting for her crazy mommie to get a grip on herself.
But, much to her surprise, the tirade took a more violent turn, when, in midst of my scolding I suddenly caught sight of my favourite green & gold hair clip, glinting at me from the dark tresses of our maid's head. I had been searching for this particular clip, for quite sometime, & had reluctantly resigned myself, to the bitter truth of having lost it.
Recovering from the shock of the opportune reappearance of the clip, I continued to berate the maid with renewed energy, when Ging decided to take matters into her paws.
In my fury, I didn't notice her strolling out nonchalantly and was still sniffing indignantly, when she reappeared several minutes later, bearing what seemed like a mouse in her mouth.
All thoughts of the broken trinkets fled, in the wake of awful memories of Ging's last present to us..A decapitated squirrel.
As I braced myself for another bloody and gruesome offering, Ging opened her mouth, to drop a teeny weeny, and much to my shock, a whole, quivering squirrel, at my feet, with one of her famous ' Now, Quit Cribbing Woman' looks.
Crushed by the sight of the immobile little form at my feet, I directed my dirtiest glare at a rather nonplussed Gingy, who seemed to expect me to break into an ecstatic jig of joy.
However, when the force of my glare didn't abate, enlightenment hit our little kitty and sensing disaster, the convoluted whorls of her mind, began to desperately devise ways, and means, of salvaging the situation.
Finally, deciding on the lightening strike approach, she made a quick frantic grab at the squirrel, all set to scamper with her prize. She would have, in all probability, succeeded if the little squirrel, hitherto paralysed by fear, had not, also, decided to muster all his nerve and make a bid to save his life.
What ensued was utter chaos with the squirrel trying to clamber up my leg, Ging diving for my feet, me hopping around, oblivious to a bewildered caller on the phone, and the maid brandishing her broom at me, ostensibly to sweep away the squirrel, but, managing to land a few well aimed whacks at me.
The melee ultimately came to an end when I managed to haul the squirrel to the garden and set it free under kitty's ever watchful eyes.
After this, I was dying for a shot of something much stronger than caffeine, to recover from the morning's trauma, but, had to settle for several mugs of ultra strong coffee, brewed in the presence of a ultra sulky kitty !!!.
As the caffeine coursed through my system, I glanced over at kitty's creased brow as she furiously did some serious rethinking on her apportionment policy. But of course, it remains to be seen whether her new resolutions will withstand another one of mommie's meltdowns...
Aaah, the pleasures of being the Alpha in the house!!!

1 comment:

  1. Oh my God, you had me rolling there!! Laughing my head off!! Whacks with a broom, omg, there I go again!! :-)))))))))
